About Us

John Martin

Name: John Martin
Email Address: jmartin@ windhamcountyvt.gov
Title: Deputy

From 1976 to 2007 Deputy John Martin was a police officer for the Town of Brattleboro, Vermont. During those 31 years he held the following positions; uniformed patrol officer, juvenile officer, detective, sergeant, lieutenant, deputy chief, and for the final seven years, chief of police. After leaving the Brattleboro Police Department John joined the Sheriff's Department. There he assists in the department's recruiting and hiring of deputies and civilian staff positions.

Deputy John Martin was an instructor for the Windham Regional Career Center in Brattleboro, Vermont. There he taught a criminal justice program to junior and senior high school students interested in a career in law enforcement. As the program met the requirements of a college level course, he has become an adjunct instructor for the Community College of Vermont; thus allowing the program's students to receive college credit for taking the Career Center's Criminal Justice program.

John has been hired and retained as an expert witness by several Vermont law firms on cases involving police actions. These have been both criminal as well as civil cases. His background and experience have allowed an independent and objective study of police actions and departmental policy as it pertained to specific situations and cases.

John has recently retired from managing a nationwide wholesale company’s security department, where he was directly responsible for over 350 inhouse and contract security employees. He was also responsible for major investigations, budget management, and workplace violence - active shooter training for the approximate 16,000 company employees.


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Press Release from John Martin

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